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House of Nobility Assembly

House of Nobility Assembly

The building was constructed in 1810 in the style of Russian classicism. The structure is somewhat different from other buildings of the architectural ensemble. A distinctive feature is that the central six-columned portico triangular composite order is based on the projection of the first floor where there is a grand entrance. Pediment crowns the portico place on themselves modeled vintage coat of arms of Poltava. Grace and finesse building attached sculpted statues of two allegorical figures and vases with stucco garlands. Additional lighting main hall windows were third tier.

The building housed various rooms: Nobility Assembly deputy, Office of the provincial marshal, provincial Food Commission, Public Library, Provincial Museum, rooms for county representatives of the nobility, the rooms in which organized various exhibitions, receptions, literary and theatrical evenings, balls.

Noble Assembly was a public and cultural center of the city, here decides on acceptance or exclusion of the nobility, gentry purpose of pensions, the definition of noble children in institutions of higher education, etc.

In the 30-ies of the XIX century, first worked in Poltava Public Library. Since 1879 this building has performed with such great artists as: PI Tchaikovsky, MP Mussorgsky, AG Rubinstein, A. Scriabin, SV Rachmaninoff, FI Chaliapin, Summer Hockey Challenge Derzhavin MK Bashkirtseva, GG Carnivores, MO Yaroshenko.

In 1917 he was accepted by the People's Commissars of Ukraine "On the Abolition of titles and civilian officials" and February 9, 1919 Poltava Nobility was closed.

In 1920 - 1930 years. the building was a club named Karl Marx, close - open-air cinema. In 1943, during the World War II the building, as well as some other buildings burned ensemble. House restored in its original form in 1945 - 1947 years.

Today the building houses a cinema named after Ivan Kotlyarevskogo and a number of commercial organizations.

You can get any public transport in the direction of the center.

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