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The One Street Museum

The One Street Museum

In Kiev, a large number of museums, including the Museum is a remarkable one street. It is necessary to say at once that the museum building is not an architectural monument, moreover, is not evident. However, it keeps a mystery and memory of the most bohemian street of Kiev - Andreevskom

It should be noted that this is the first private museum in Kiev. The representation of a collection devoted to the history of St. Andrew Street and its remarkable inhabitants (such as Mikhail Bulgakov, G. Tyutyunnik, Kavaleridze and many others).

The basis for the design of interiors and exhibitions of the museum were the subject of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Only in this museum you will find the original and one of a copy of the documents, autographs, manuscripts, old postcards, photographs and household items long forgotten past era.

Upon entering the museum visitors encounter a young girl playing the piano, Kiev tailor who is busy with urgent orders. Crossing the threshold, as if you are transported back in time when ladies wore long dresses and fishnet umbrellas and men coats and cylinders.

The interior of the museum can be divided into two parts - the world of women and the world of men. The exposition of the first hall tells about the houses of Andrew`s descent. Only here you can see the boudoir Russian noblewoman, crockery, cutlery, sewing machines and lampshades turn of 19-20 centuries, as well as a unique collection of costumes and accessories.

The second hall opens up the door to the world of travel, crafts, war, trade and technology. Here you will find old maps, currency notes, gramophones and even cash register National.

Another feature of the museum - a collection of funny stories and anecdotes about the city`s famous personalities.

Museum of one street - a magic box that keeps evidence of bygone days, so be sure to visit it.

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