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National Park "Buzkyi Gard"

National Park

National Park "Bug ​​Guard" - one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine, a place surrounded by greenery of virgin nature, mottled with narrow canyons and steep rocky banks. Sandwiched between steep stone walls, here are their unruly waters of the river Southern Bug and Mertvovod.

Relict rock that hold the secrets of antiquity, are of particular interest to historians, archaeologists and geologists because they are silent witnesses of the rise and fall of civilizations ... for about 40 thousand years in this region lived different nationalities: Sarmatians, Scythians, Cimmerians, the Romans ... Scientists have counted in the national park about a hundred archaeological sites.

The tract Bug Guard is considered a kind of talisman Cossack antiquity, as once he was in the possession of the Zaporozhian Sich. If you get a chance to look at this wonder of nature, do not forget to visit the radon lake and look at the old mill.

Migeyskie thresholds in the territory of the park interested in rafting and water slalom. Cliffhanger like have Aktovsky canyon with its steep rocky shores.

Hiking will enjoy socializing with amazing flora and fauna - in the park, there are more than a hundred "Red Book" of plants and about 50 endangered species.

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