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Regional Landscape Park "Granite-Steppe Lands of Buh"
Охоплює річкову долину Південного Бугу; розташований на території Первомайського, Арбузинського, Доманівського і Вознесенського районів Миколаївської області
The regional landscape park “Granite-steppe lands of Buh” is a fabulous place of unique nature located in the north-west of Mykolaiv region, Ukraine. It is a rocky area in the middle of steppe, where you can feel a lively chill of the Pivdennyi Buh River. Harmonious combination of granite rocks, ...
National Park "Buzkyi Gard"
Миколаївська обл., Україна
National Park "Bug Guard" - one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine, a place surrounded by greenery of virgin nature, mottled with narrow canyons and steep rocky banks. Sandwiched between steep stone walls, here are their unruly waters of the river Southern Bug and Mertvovod.
Relict rock that hold ...
Trykratsky Forest
с. Трикрати 56535, Вознесенський район, Миколаївська обл., Україна
Trikratsky forest was planted by Count Skarzhinsky in the 70s of the 18th century. Spread artificial forest in the Mykolaiv region near the village resounded three times. This is a large park with a total area 247 hectares. It includes the tract "Vasilyeva apiary," "Summer Farm Skarzhinsky", ...
Tract Gard
м. Южноукраїнськ, урочище Гард, Україна
Tract Gard is a granite canyon of the river Southern Bug, and is the heart of the regional landscape park "Granite-steppe lands of Buh" . Rocky Gorge Tracts - a unique natural monument, a place inhabited by rare animals and plants. A picturesque island Gardovy gardovogo gorge and rapids are not ...
National Park "Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslav"
с. Покровське, Миколаївська обл., Україна
"Beloberezhe Svyatoslav" - a national park, which is located in Ochakov and areas Berezan Mykolayiv region. The park is taken under the protection of the unique nature of Kinburn Spit - a long peninsula that separates the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the Gulf Yagorlytsky . The length of the streamer is ...
Tract Protic
ур. Протич, Первомайський р-н, Миколаївська область, Україна
Protic Tract is part of a unique regional landscape park Grantino-steppe Poubzhe , which is famous not only the flora and fauna, but also a significant recreational and wellness potential reserves are concentrated curative radon water. Over the years mnogh Bugsko thresholds is a mecca for tourists ...
Pryingulsky regional landscape park
Новобузький р-н, Миколаївська обл., Україна
Volyzhin forest
Кінбурнська коса, Миколаївська обл., Україна
Ukraine - diverse country. There are deserts, steppes spacious and lush forests. In search of new experiences, many are sent to Volyzhin forest. This is one of the most unusual forests of Ukraine. Sandy arena replaced the age-old trees. Here grow mighty 300-year old oak trees. The trunk of some ...
Square of Europe
вул. Садова, Миколаїв 54000, Україна
Square named Shura Kober and Viti Khomenko
вул. Адмірала Макарова, Миколаїв 54000, Україна
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