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Trinity Church, Liuboml

Trinity Church, Liuboml

This ancient Roman Catholic church was built in Volyn in 1412. The history of its occurrence associated with the name of the Polish King Vladislav II Jagiello, who loved to hunt in these parts, and often called at Lyuboml.

According to legend, returning after a successful battle, the king and his knights was surrounded by the Tatars. He prayed to the Mother of God, and ask her for help. The enemy was defeated. In gratitude Vladislav ordered to build a temple on the site of the battle. So on a hill in the northern part of Lyuboml appeared wooden church of the Holy Trinity.

Three years later he was replaced by a stone church in the Gothic style. The church was part of the fortifications of the city, had a simple form without decorations.

Because of the numerous fires, which often occur in the city with wooden houses, a church was rebuilt several times. In 1731, burned down Kościelny hospital. In the 18th century the building acquired features of the Baroque and was built next to the belfry with three bells. It is this image and preserved to this day.

The church suffered a lot. In 1944, during the war, the last Polish ksondzu (priest) brought to Poland miraculous image of Our Lady Liuboml, valuable documents and books. After the war there was a salt warehouse, then shop and sawmill. The remaining books and documents were burned. An attempt to restore the church in 1967 failed - Master plundered the temple and left. After them, the locals in search of treasure ruined burial cave, pitched organ, altar, chapel and bell. Local historians D. Ostapyuk managed to stop the barbarism and save some things. Today, the surviving values ​​can be seen in Liuboml museum.

In 1992, the church was returned Roman Catholics, consecrated and restored. Bunk belfry in 1764 converted into a room for ksondza. Passage leading from it to the temple was closed in zvonarnye holes inserted window. But salt, which is stored for a long time, so strongly ingrained in the walls, the central part of the building that still can not plastered. A new altar was placed a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Liuboml.

On Sundays and holidays here are great services that are necessarily accompanied by the sounds of the electronic organ.


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