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Kytsivka Desert, Kytsivka

Kytsivka Desert, Kytsivka

Few ever tempt fate, conquering sand dunes and hilly sands of this desert. To go to such a journey, it is not necessary to fly to exotic, arid country known for harsh climates. The desert is beautiful and Ukraine. One of them is located in the vast Kharkiv region.

This unusually quiet place. Hilly sands billowing into the air gust of wind to form a bizarre, fascinating patterns. Kitsevskaya desert - a unique natural area. Steppe region became the abode for rare species of insects, which is no longer anywhere in Ukraine.

During Soviet times, military exercises held here. In the desert expanses and now you can find tank shells.

Desert is located near the village of Kitsevka, which gave it the name. To find a silent place, passing the village should move out of the pine forest.

In addition, in Ukraine, there is another, no less interesting desert - Oleshkivski Sands .

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