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Local History Museum. Dmitry Garmash

Local History Museum. Dmitry Garmash

In Ukraine, Poltava region has a wonderful urban village - Dykanka. Probably, it is difficult to meet someone in Ukraine, who has never heard about it. It`s all thanks to the famous writer Gogol, writing the remarkable story soon appeared on television and in the theater productions.

Today Dykanka lives his life here charming nature, good-natured locals and the many diverse attractions. The main asset can be considered a historical museum to them. Dmitry Garmash. It was founded through the efforts of ordinary high school under the strict guidance of a teacher of history Pertsyuka in 1959.

To date, the museum was awarded the title of "state." Total indoors can visit nine rooms provided for visitors to admire and consider about 8,000 different items. Each district is represented by a life in detail. Here you can learn about the flora and fauna of the local places. The main focus is rewarded with great Kotchubey chest, which is made ​​by hand. It shows frilly patterns. At one time he served as a treasury in Trinity Church . According to legend, he has made his Vakula. Here you can also see the old tractor, products of local craftsmen.

The museum is constantly guided tours, and professional and competent guides will tell you more about the historical facts and legends. If you will stand out opportunity to visit Dikan`ka, then regional museum must necessarily fall into the map of your guide. Having been here, you learn more about local life and history.

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Ночь перед Рождеством в Диканьке
Полтавщина – не просто чудесный уголок Украины, вдохновлявший многие поколения писателей, художников, кинематографистов. Какой-то особой мистической атмосферой наполнен этот край. Трудно сказать, с чем это связано. Наверное, так сошлись звезды. Побывайте там в ночь перед Рождеством и всё поймете сами! Мы приглашаем Вас в сказку, где в реках течет молоко и мед, ведьмы летают на метлах, а черти регулярно крадут луну с неба!
Чудеса зимней Диканьки: путешествие на родину чародеев
Каждый из нас помнит сказочную экранизацию фильма «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки» по мотивам повести известного украинского писателя Николая Гоголя «Ночь перед Рождеством». Это и чудесные зимние пейзажи Полтавщины, и колоритные украинские персонажи, бесстрашный Вакула, ворожка Солоха, вареники, которые сами окунались в сметану и залетали в рот Пацюку, и много других ярких моментов фильма.
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