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museum of ukranian wedding

museum of ukranian wedding

Museum of Ukrainian wedding is in the village of Great Budyscha . It occupies the whole house, which for many years was the property of village ordinary family. Here, miraculously survived a unique interior decoration and beautiful courtyard traditional village of Poltava.

A special feature of the museum is an interesting household items, beautiful textiles, handmade embroidery, pictures, carpets, blankets, furniture and much more that surrounded the population of Ukraine in 17-19 centuries. All this equipment is not just a museum piece, but is part of the most important in the life of every family ceremony - the wedding.

Museum staff offer guests play the wedding procession with all its attendant customs - songs, jokes, poems, feast, and so on. It is important that local historians have collected all the existing rites in different eras, telling them to tourists in a fun colorful way. Here everyone will find memorable role, and he will participate in the wedding of action during his ancestors.

Nearby you can visit the museum space and aviation in Poltava .

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