Flooded Church

About an hour`s drive from Kiev in the thickness of the dark cold water stands a mysterious church. About this site tell a lot of mysterious stories. Someone says that the church is in deep water, and the water could be seen alone dome. And someone says that at night this place is filled with the ghosts of those residents who took the water, and they wander in search of his home.
It should be said that this place once was a village that bore the name Gusintsy. But in 1927, as a result of the construction of the Kanev Reservoir under the water were several villages. Neighborhood residents Rzhyshchiv moved to a safe area, but found themselves under the Dnieper waters are among the most fertile soils in the world. Some still debate about the feasibility and economic impact of the construction of the reservoir. Whatever it was, the church - the only thing that could miraculously survive. And now as a reminder of times past, it continues to stand on a small island.
Amazing architectural monument is striking in its beauty. The building of the temple survived, despite the water, wind and rain. Inside the church, even preserved murals that would reveal the former beauty of holiness.