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Track moonshine

Track moonshine

Wagon-brew was created and is located in Ternopil   since 2013. Wagon-brew - it is the first on the turn Ukrainian Museum, which specializes in moonshining and used for this purpose items.

In the museum   You can see all kinds of moonshine   and not only those that are invented in Ukraine, but also imported from other countries. Here on display devices of different types, shapes, sizes and ages. Some of them are more unique, while others were widespread. There are even those that apply in our time. In total, the museum contains   19   unique items for home brewing. In addition, there are all kinds of moonshine from around the world, they can even taste.

The museum is housed in the Austrian car, which was bought by the museum founder Michael Grosulyakom immediately after his retirement. Everybody can see the exhibits, but also try the product manufactured by employees of the institution.

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