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Mezin National Park

Mezin National Park

Mezin National Park is one of the largest reserves of Ukraine. It is famous for its extensive list of rare plants, wildlife and beautiful landscaped area. All these years, was uninhabited by people place, leaving an island of true beauty with living landscapes of dense greenery and clear lakes.

A total of 31 thousand hectares registered 24 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, 25 species of fish, 3 species of reptiles and 93 different species of birds. The peculiarity of flora and fauna is that the soil arid park, mainly of white sand, despite the fact that there is a river Desna with its tributaries. Also there is a little lake and marshes. During the summer, the maximum temperature in the shade Mezin reserve degrees do not fall below 40.

Part of the Natural Park is Mezin Mezin Archaeological Museum , where the history of micro-Paleolithic to the present.

After a visit to the picturesque area of the forest park worth visiting old spruces and fir alley or make an excursion to the beautiful palace Galaganov .

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