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Church of St. George (George), Uzhgorod

Church of St. George (George), Uzhgorod

The Church of St. George - a magnificent creation of architectural art, preserved in Uzhgorod since the beginning of the 17th century. He is a Roman Catholic church in force, fully restored in the mid-90s of the 20th century.

Beautiful building up in mixed Baroque and Neo-Baroque, as in the 18th century it was reconstructed and decorated in a new heir to the municipal government Bercheni, who was an outstanding master of arts and crafts. It was his hands creations can be seen in the paintings of the church hall. It also survived a unique iconostasis, the marble walls and colorful mosaic window.

An important feature of the old buildings are large, round clock with Roman numerals. They continue to accurately count the period of time for over 150 years.

This priceless relic can be seen from several sides of the tower, a single mechanism mounted in three synchronous dial.

Sometimes locals and historical sources mention a temple called St. George, which is connected with a foreign sounding name. In Slavic countries Georges often anoint Yuriyami, more in tune with the Orthodox names.

If you come in Uzhgorod in the spring, you should definitely go to the church down to the river, to the embankment of Independence. Nearby is the famous all over Europe Sakurova alley . You`ll like it!

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