Kaiden House
Hecha - a small village in the Carpathians, more than a thousand people, mostly Hungarians. Village is famous for its festivals and plums pork, where craftsmen compete in the preparation of these products. And the common people tasting what they did, drinking plum brandy called Slivovica or stronger drinks depending on the weather.
The main attraction of the village is built in the early 19th century house in the street Svitankovoy. Initially, the estate belonged to the family of the nobility. It was built the head of the family - L. Kaidan. House looks simple enough - one-storey building with a small porch, a set of which is decorated arch interesting work. Curious tourists can get around the estate and see what`s left of the family crypt of the family that owned the house.
Today, the manor is contained in the proper form, as given by the village council. And travelers will be interesting to see the construction of a two hundred year history.