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Steep walls of granite canyon Grouse River

Steep walls of granite canyon Grouse River

Sheer wall of granite canyon Grouse River is at a height of 20-25 meters above the shore of the pond. More specifically its location - south-west   Zhitomir , in the heart of the river valley.   The length of the canyon with rocky steep banks up to 2 kilometers. The river is a right tributary of the Dnieper. Its total area is more than 15 thousand sq. M. km.

Rock consists of several types of mountain crystal rocks which sometimes form a truly fabulous gorges and walls.   The main purpose of this wall is to use it as a climbing wall for training climbers.

Part of the wall securely hidden under the water of the local reservoir, formed in 1970 as a result of the construction of a two-kilometer dam. Another part protrudes above the water, attracting the attention of tourists with its natural beauty. The most beautiful and picturesque nature is just walking distance from this dam.

Sheer wall of granite canyon on the river Grouse   has the status of a natural monument in Ukraine.

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