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Recreation center "Zaroslyak" Vorokhta

Recreation center

Not far from Ivano-Frankivsk, near the village of Vorokhta, a sports recreation center "Zaroslyak." At an altitude of over 1,300 meters above sea level in the natural reserve of the Carpathians is a place where you can escape from the city and the problems and get some fresh air. At the foot of the highest mountain in Ukraine stretched welcoming complex for a relaxing and active holidays all comers.

At the camp site on the banks of the Prut River come to rest and treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Services recreation "Zaroslyak"

Recreation center "Zaroslyak" provides a range of services for all kinds of sports activities, including training. In addition, at the base and provided other services.

Free services:

  • room service;
  • basketball and volleyball;
  • tennis court;
  • billiards;
  • pool;
  • shower with hot water.

Paid services:

  • massage room;
  • sauna;
  • Lease of conference halls;
  • gym;
  • cycling and cross-country skiing;
  • excursions

With the base operating lift Goverlu.

Non hostels

Recreation in Vorokhta is designed for 90 guests at the same time vacationers. All rooms are equipped with beds, cupboards, chairs, sink and TV. The camp site offers a relaxing stay in rooms of three categories:

  • "Economy" - shared shower and toilet;
  • "Standard" - with its own bathroom and shower;
  • "Luxury" - is equipped with a large double bed, seating, toilet and shower.

The rooms are designed for travelers, from one to five. Overlooking on Hoverla.

The price at the recreation center includes full board. Accommodation in "economy" class costs 320 hryvnia per person per night. Stay in the room category of "standard" cost 350 hryvnia per guest. Apartment category "Lux" are 420 hryvnia per person per night.

Reservations made by pre-payment:

  • wanting to rest for 20-30 days, should pay 5% of the cost of living;
  • if the vacation will last from 15 to 19 days - 20%;
  • vacationers from 9 to 14 days - 50%;
  • Guests who go to 3-8 days, you must pay 90%;
  • if holiday is less than 3 days, will have to pay the full amount.

If there is a cancellation due to the fault of the customer, the funds are returned to the customer with the exception of penalties.

In addition to the payment for accommodation, each entering the territory of the Carpathian reserve must pay 25 hryvnia.

Phone tourist center +38 (068) 162-06-28 +38 (093) 803-44-82 +38 (066) 135-52-39 +38 (068) 904-95-70.

How to get to the camp "Zaroslyak"

The recreation center is located in the village of Vorokhta, street Goverlyanskoy, 31. Tourists traveling by public transport should take advantage of one of the trains moving to Vorokhta and Ivano-Frankivsk. Arriving in Ivano-Frankovsk, you can transfer in a minibus or diesel train, also have the opportunity to hire a taxi. Tourists by car should follow to Vorokhta, where, moving along the road P-24, to go to the village Verkhovyna. Near pointer "Zaroslyak" should turn right.

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Яремче, Буковель + Говерла
Якщо вам наскучила звична міська панорама і кам’яні джунглі, їх можна змінити на природну красу Карпатських гір та водоспадів! На вас чекають Яремче, Буковель на Говерла – місця, які закохують у себе з першого погляду, а потім вже ніколи не набридають і не відпускають. А дорогою до Яремче туристи зроблять зупинку в Рогатині. За легендою, саме тут народилася Настя Лісовська, яка стала відома світу під іменем Роксолана.
Корпоративный тур в Карпаты «Говерла»
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