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Mountain Strimba

Mountain Strimba

What could be better than relaxing in the mountains ?! Unity with nature, clean air, the mighty stone walls, covered with thick forests - all this awaits you in the Carpathians. Strimba Mountain - one of the most popular destinations among tourists. Each year, to conquer this mountain visited by hundreds of enthusiasts.

General information about Mount Strimba

Gore is one of the highest mountains Mizhgirya area. Its height is 1700 meters. The mountain slopes are twisting and several projections in the form of humps. Therefore, the total length of the route to the top is about 3 kilometers.

But the rise of the hill you will not find it boring and tedious. Experienced guides are chosen route according to your possibilities. Also, the way brightens the beautiful nature. The slopes are dotted with all kinds of vegetation Strimby. You will be pleased, and a variety of animals that live here.

What to see on the mountain Strimba

Stunning pictures of nature, combined with the power of the mountains has left a lasting impression. In the area of ​​the eastern slope hid a small lake. Surrounded by mountain herbs and oil, it looks special.

At the top you will find another attraction. In 2008 there was a wooden cross with a crucifix. And if you are ready to conquer the mountain in the summer, it also offers tasty treats as blueberries.

Getting there

In your own car you should drive to the village Synevir on the highway Kyiv - Chop. Then you can use the services of an instructor. From Lviv and Uzhgorod by train to nearby villages, then follow the mountain on foot.

You can stay in hotels Mizhgirya area.

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Поход в Карпаты «Синевир»
Синевир – голубое сердце Карпат. Озеро является украшением этого региона. И увидеть это чудо хотя бы раз должен каждый. Туристический поход в Карпаты «Синевир» раскроет перед вами не только загадочную прелесть озера, но и много других «жемчужин» Карпат. Так на пути к Синевиру вы совершите небольшое путешествие по горам Западных Горган. Красоту горный вершин окутанных осенним туманом не передать словами. Это надо видеть собственными глазами. В пути вам будут сопровождать опытные инструктора. Так что вам не стоит беспокоиться о своей безопасности. В конце тура вы познакомитесь с несколькими колоритными Карпатскими селами, где сохранилось множество древних украинских традиций и обычаев. 
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