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Main Post Office Lviv

Main Post Office Lviv

The main post office in Lviv is located on Slovak, in the central part of the city. This is a big three-storey building is a real architectural jewel of the city. Post Office was built in the late 19th century.

Post Office History

The decision to build the main post office building was made in the late 19th century. City authorities have long sought a suitable location for the construction of the central post office, eventually settled on a plot of land along the street Copernicus, who in those years belonged to the Catholic Church. Post Office began construction in 1887, the project received a mail from Vienna, Lviv architect Silvester Gavrishkevich only slightly adapted it commissioned by the city authorities. In 1889 the post office was completed.

In 1894, the main entrance to the building is decorated with a large clock at the level of the first floor is a lamp, slightly to the left of the main entrance was well, which skirted the tram tracks. As such, the post office came to the present day.

Getting there

Post Office in Lviv is located at street Slovak, 1, only 700 meters from the Market Square. From the main railway station here, take the tram number 9 and 10. Stop - "The main post office."

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