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St. Stanislaus, Kremenets

St. Stanislaus, Kremenets

One of the attractions Kremenets became the Church of St. Stanislaus, which attracts highly marble bowl with a bas-relief of the Virgin. Temple restoration survived not one, but still managed to maintain its charm.

History of church

Due to the erratic and radical rulers of the late 17th and early 19th century believers Kremenets was selected last church, after which they were forced to find shelter for worship.

Two consecutive century Catholic community service conducted in semi-legal position, experiencing a difficult period. But soon came to power cosmopolitan Emperor Alexander 2, which since 1855 has allowed the construction of the church. Moreover, he even allocated from the state treasury a lot of money for the construction of the building.

Three years later Kremenetsky Catholics in the main city street built a wonderful temple, at the foot of Castle Hill. He solemnly consecrated in November 1857 in honor of St. Stanislaus.

In 1872, the church of St. Stanislaus was presented with a marble bowl for washing the face of the Virgin Mary, which is placed near the main entrance. Author Volyn creation was a talented sculptor B. Brodsky.

The beginning of the 20th century marked enrichment Kremenets new gifts, which was the church of St. Stanislaus. In 1909 in Paris, famous Polish artist Waclaw Szymanowski made the monument to the famous Polish poet Juliusz Slowacki. In 1910 it established the church in honor of the centenary of his birth.

Temple Architecture

Bazylikalna rectangular building with a gable roof features a unique solution for the temple. In addition, the church of St. Stanislaus distinguish harmoniously combined high arched openings, delicate brackets and simple pilasters of the Ionic order.

The highlight was the central temple facade, made of two-story rectangular gates with triangular gables and spherical end of the cross.

The luxurious interior plays on the contrast with the lightness of appearance. Arch gallery decorated with Ionic order pilasters, rosettes and stucco gilded painting.

Getting there

Church of St. Stanislaus in Kremenets located on the street Shevchenko, opposite Mount Bona. By Kremenets walk from public transportation Ternopil and Dubno. Driving directions and you can own transport by highway E85 or E40. To get downtown, moving along the main street. In the south-western part of the church of St. Stanislaus placed.


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