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Stone Mountain Obavsky

Stone Mountain Obavsky

Obavskyy Stone Mountain - is one of the peaks of the Ukrainian Carpathians, rising within Mukachevo district. Located in the western hollow ravine near the bruises. At the foot of the western side of the village for fear settles from which the mountain and called.

The slopes of the mountains surrounding summit, scattered rocks, which create a very beautiful landscape.

What to see on the mountain

The height of the mountain reaches 979 meters. The top is covered almost entirely by forests dominated by oaks, beeches and hornbeams. Pryvershynni slopes rather steep, and the mountain itself formed a naked rock, whose height is over 80 meters. Because it offers an incredibly beautiful view of the mountains covered by dense forest tracts. Sometimes ridges cut deep valleys. One such ring encircles the hollow shaft bruises.

In the north-eastern side of the horizon we can see Mount Stand. Much further north glowing mountain valley Equal. On the other side, in the southern foot of observed plain. From the east up visible volcanic massif Great Works. On the side of the bottom winds silver ribbon - a river Latorytsia.

The mountain top was formed by nature over millennia. It resembles a giant sightseeing gate that opens to a grand landscape mountains Carpathians.

Directions to the top

One of the shorter routes to the mountain Obavskyy stone marked with white markings. With the ascent will have to overcome 650 meters. The beginning of the road is the tourist base "Trout" and stretches along the right bank of the river Synyavka. Then you pass the bridge over Podobavskyy stream, which is the right tributary Synyavky. Club is located near the dining room of the sanatorium "bruises".

Then the trail leads edges, goes to the very steep slope of the mountain Obavskyy stone. Frequent sources of clean mountain water.

The road runs by the spurs of the top and the foot turns right. It is located near the turning saddle, which was formed between the two points of the summit. On the left side is cut off rocky outcrops. In this area, if we move deeper into the mountain trail, you can find ice source. From it left the road leading to stone stairs that climb the same mountain meadow.

Where to stay

You can book a room in tourist base "Trout" or in the sanatorium "bruises". And you can spend the night in your own tent, breaking camp near the ground.

Getting there

Obavskyy stone is near the mountain bruises near the village for fear that Mukachevo district. You can get there by train from Lviv to Mukachevo, and from local transport to the village for fear.

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Вулканические Карпаты
Вулканически Карпаты богаты своей красотой, насыщенностью и многообразием удивительных мест. Буковые леса здесь укрывают вершины могучих горных хребтов. Панорама, которая простирается с этих вершин, просто невероятная! Долины Вулканических Карпат привлекают с каждым годом все больше и больше туристов. Эта двухдневная экскурсия покажет вам: санаторий, который имеет соответствующее название «Карпаты», с потрясающим видом на дворец графа Шенберга; урочище Щирець, к которому вы доберетесь сквозь горный хребет под названием Солочинский Верх; уникальное озеро с водой красивого, необычного цвета – Синее озеро. В воде этого озера содержится большое количество серы; Обавский Камень – это удивительный памятник, который созадала сама природа; зеркальный водопад, который называется Скакало. Он находится среди высочайших скал, что делает его особенным и неповторимым.
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