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Lviv Gastro Tour

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Days of tour:
  • Sa
from 35 USD
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Tour from: L'viv

Tour to: L'viv

Our qualified guide and lunch will tell you about the most striking culinary traditions of the medieval and modern Lviv. You will learn the secrets of preparing the lavish delicious meals, which once envied the whole world gastronomic community. You will be told about Galicia, which was the "breadbasket of Europe", and the proud and original Lviv - its largest "fish capital". 

You will see the most interesting, in terms of interior and menu, recreation and entertainment in Lviv. You will learn about unique Lviv gastronomic traditions, hear a lot of fun stories about Lviv cuisine, make famous Lviv beer varieties, grate delicious Lviv snacks and learn a lot of rules about the use of wonderful Lviv beverages and drinks.

During your gastro-travel, you will visit the residence of the Lviv Kata, or, as it is called, "Lviv municipality of execution of sentences", you will taste the famous "sausage Kseni"; also - visit the most expensive restaurant in Galicia, where the zeros in the check book have their magic feature; You will be able to compete for your lunch in the famous "Jewish Knife", where you will be able to use all your skills in the hiking trips to the grocery market; You will have a real Galician hunting cuisine in the restaurant "Panskaya Charkaya", and all this way will accompany you to this Lviv coffee! .. 


In English, German and other languages:

Price for individual groups 1-3 persons - 75$

Price for 1 person in group 4-6 pax - 35$

Ukrainian/Russian language excursion  -20% from prices

The tour is available in Russian, English, German and other languages. 

Tour program:

День 1

You will learn the most delicious recipes of Ukrainian, namely Galician dishes, visit the most interesting and interesting from the point of view of history and architecture, the interiors of Lviv restaurants: "Kryivka", where the entrance is "encoded" with a special passphrase, "Kavka's Mine", where they are mined and import the bulk of Ukrainian coffee to Brazil (True or No, you can check with your own eyes, ears and tongue!); "Masoch-cafe" - a specialty coffee shop for its clients (18+); Gas Lamp, where the largest collection of antique kerosene lamps in Ukraine is collected; "House of Legends", in which there is true magic and ... dragons; the largest workshops of Lviv: "Workshop of Chocolate", "Gourmet Workshop", "Workshop of Caramel" and "Workshop of Marzipan", which do not deprive even large children of indifferent children beyond 40-k ...); Restaurant "Bachevsky", which continued its glorious history of the world famous cognacs; "Coffee House on Bambetti", which reflects the entire life and traditions of the 19th-century Galichians, as well as other worthy attention Lviv cakes, dumplings, cafes, restaurants and buffets.

L'viv , Galitsiya Hotel

The price includes:

- excursions along the route;

- tour guide.

Lviv Gastro TourPhotos:

Phone number:
Number of days in tour:
Days of tour:
  • Sa
from 35 USD
Votes: 0
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