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Teambuilding tours Ukraine

Total tours: 50
By Gogol places: Kyiv - Poltava
Votes: 0
Tour from: Poltava
Days: 3
Price from 40 USD
Nearest date: 07-03-2025
Let's go by Gogol places: from Kyiv to Poltava, then from Dykanka to Gogolevo and from Velyky Sorochyntsy to Myrhorod. That's a great journey to old ukrainian cities and small misterious villages.In English, German and other languages:Price for individual groups 1-3 persons - 90$Price for 1 person in group 4-6 pax - 40$Ukrainian/Russian language excursion -20% from pricesThe tour is...
Kyiv - the city of legends
Votes: 0
Tour from: Kyiv
Tour to: Kyiv
Days: 3
Price 288 USD
Nearest date: 07-03-2025
A great opportunity to explore the capital of Ukraine, the mighty and glorious Kyiv. Weekend in a modern city with a deep history.  
The unknown Galicia
Votes: 0
Tour from: L'viv
Tour to: Zolochiv - L'viv - Drohobych
Days: 3
Price 200 USD
Nearest date: 07-03-2025
In English, German and other languages:Price for individual groups 1-3 persons - 200$/personPrice for 1 person in group 4-6 pax - 150$/personUkrainian/Russian language excursion  -20% from pricesThe tour is available in Russian, English, German and other languages. 
Золоте кільце Карпат з Коломиї
Under the order
Votes: 1
Tour from: Kolomyia
Days: 1
Price 1000-2000 UAH
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
Коломия – Косів – Яворів – Криворівня – Верховина – Ворохта – Буковель – Яремче – Коломия що-вівторка, що-суботи  Запрошуємо Вас на подорож Гуцульщиною
Майстер-клас з гончарства
Votes: 1
Tour from: Kyiv
Tour to: Kyiv
Days: 1
Price 400 UAH
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
Арт-студія "Ліхтарик", що знаходиться в центрі Києва запрошує всіх бажаючих на майстер-клас з гончарства. Майстер-класи проходять щодня. Майстер-клас з гончарства – це кращий спосіб відволіктися від буденності, рутини та щоденної гонитви за результатами. Гончарство – це не про швидкість та результативність. Гончарство – це про відпочинок душі через руки! Гончарство – це спосіб познайомитись з традиційним ремеслом своїх предків, поринути в...
The main fortresses of Ukraine: Kamyanets and Khotyn
Votes: 0
Tour from: Khotyn
Tour to: Khotyn
Days: 1
Price from 60 USD
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
Kyiv - Kamyanets-Podilskyi - Khotyn - Kamyanets-Podilskyi - Kyiv In English, German and other languages:Price for individual groups 1-3 persons - 90$Price for 1 person in group 4-6 pax - 60$Ukrainian/Russian language excursion  -20% from pricesThe tour is available in Russian, English, German and other languages.   
Night Excursion “Night Varta”
Votes: 0
Tour from: L'viv
Tour to: L'viv
Days: 1
Price 125 USD
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
In English, German and other languages:Price for individual groups - 125$Ukrainian/Russian language excursion  -20% from pricesThe tour is available in Russian, English, German and other languages.
Ethno-Tour to the Carpathian Mountains
Votes: 0
Tour from: Ivano-Frankivs'k
Days: 5
Price 750 USD
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
You will see beautiful and charming nature of the Ukrainian Carpathians.You are going to visit the most original ethnographic regions of these mountains - Hutsulshina and Bukovina – the places with folk traditions, delicious cuisine and extremely friendly people.
Ukraine Nature trip (Kyiv - Lviv - Carpathians)
Votes: 0
Tour from: Kyiv
Tour to: Kyiv - L'viv - Karpaty
Days: 7
Price from 660 USD
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
Ukraine is amazing, it is colorful and motley. It is a stained glass of the Gothic temple, where each region shines with its own tempting light.Carpathians are Ukrainian spirituality and folk soul. This is a distant mysterious land with thousands of legends.We are pleased to introduce you to them.Join! PACKAGE PRICE:1122$ - individual tour for 2 pax874$ - individual tour for...
Feel the soul of Ukraine. Grand Tour (full 10 days)
Votes: 0
Tour from: Kyiv
Days: 10
Price 1900 USD
Nearest date: 08-03-2025
For most people, Slavic lands and their histories are a bit of mystery. When you join this tour, you will discover not only Kyivan Rus, a proud, ancient Slavic kingdom, but much more. You will see with your own eyes historic Kyiv, Ukraine’s 2000 year-old capital with its priceless blend of past and future, and enchanting Lviv, the country’s cultural...

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