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House of Legends

House of Legends

Every year come to the city hundreds of tourists from all over the world. Here they are attracted   mystery and beauty   this city. Narrow streets, paved with stone blocks, was fond of tourists in the world of fairy tales and miracles. And the air is filled with a dizzying aroma of coffee.

One of the favorite destinations of tourists is the House of legends. It is located near the Market Square . This four-story building at once   conspicuous. Front of the house protects the iron dragon. A sculpture on the roof stopped cheerful chimney sweep .

This house is not for nothing called the house legends. Each room is the guardian of any particular Lviv legends. There is something that can not be found in conventional museums. For example, there is a room where you can see samples of Lviv bridge different eras. There is room Lviv time. There`s the history of time and hours. Another no less extraordinary room - bathroom legend chained Poltva river. Also, there is a room with Lviv lions, books, and even room Lviv weather. All rooms are interconnected connects elegant spiral staircase. And with summer terrace offers a breathtaking view of the city.

After a fabulous walks around the house, you can tasty and inexpensive meal. But the fun starts with the punches hours. Fire-breathing dragon spewing from his iron jaws of the fire. This pyrotechnic show takes place every day. Being in such places as the House of legends, fairy tales feel like a hero and you begin to believe in miracles.

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П'ять днів у царстві лева
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Новый год по-королевски
Вы когда-нибудь праздновали Новый год в замке? Именно так, в настоящем  замке XIV—XVII веков, где в новогоднюю ночь оживают древние легенды и царит праздничная атмосфера. В замке, в котором проходят рыцарские бои и благородные танцы, менестрели наигрывают чудесную музыку, а официантки в средневековых убранствах подносят гостям изысканные блюда и напитки.
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