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Street Food So Good Festival 2016, Lviv, L'viv


Toward the end of May in the Park of Culture named after B. Khmelnitsky street food festival «Street Food So Good Festival» in 2016 in Lviv. As organizers say, this is not just a settee, hastily cobbled together on the road between the cases. Street food has to be healthy and useful.

The event is expected a lot of fun, jokes and workshops. The aim of the festival - representatives of culture collection Street Food, which clearly demonstrate the benefits of street food.

Location: Park of Culture named after B. Khmelnitsky Street Bulgarian, 4, Lviv.

Date: will be held from 21 to 22 May 2016.

Cost: Free admission.

The program «Street Food Festival»

Culture of consumption of street food gaining popularity in our country. Participants invited all interested persons to submit their product. The main thing - to make it delicious and unique.

At present preparing appetizing event:

  • exotic dishes and cooking;
  • unusual and original ways to supply beverages enjoyed by some countries in Asia;
  • offers a variety of common foods in a new way.

And many more delicious ideas.

In addition to edible offers event offers a rich plunge into the festive program:

  • funny catchy music;
  • workshops;
  • contests and sweepstakes;
  • film screenings and more.

Get involved Culture Street Food.

Contact: +38 (032) 260-15-78, +38 (032) 238-85-58.

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