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Bike Cars & Rock`n`Roll Festival 2016, Odessa, Odesa


Festival motokultury and retro automobiles «Bike Cars & Rock`n`Roll Festival» in 2016 in Odessa - a kind of museum for 3 days in the heart of the city, on top of the seaport. People who own motorcycles and vintage vehicles, carry a special energy. The basis of the festival - is its members.

In addition to the retro exhibition for visitors prepared a special interest area where everyone can enjoy a pleasant holiday in nature.

Venue: Seaport, Odessa.

Date: will be held from 10 to 12 June 2016.

Cost: participation is free.

The festival program «Bike Cars & Rock`n`Roll»

The festival will be presented the opportunity to see many interesting representatives iron world, photographed, consult with the owners, find contacts on spare parts.

Also, it is a great opportunity to spend time with family outdoors picnic in an unusual setting.

All three days will operate a children`s playground, a large food court area with a diversified range of food from the best participants gastronomic festivals in Odessa and Kyiv.

Auctions, contests, music program and many other activities await guests in the seaport.

A separate area will be with tents clubs mc, mfc, mcc, who will present their branded tents with banners and leaflets.

Participants are divided into two main groups: the vintage cars and motorcycles.


  • Domestic cars are at least 1980 in;
  • foreign cars are at least 1980 in;
  • except in rare cars to 1989 in.

All participants of the exhibition and retro bikers (if the helmet, registration certificate, equipment and (or) vest) free entry.

Contact: +38 (097) 226-22-88.

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Свято морозива цього року подорожує містами. Вже в деяких містах захід пройшов, а от на початку червня очікується «Фестиваль морозива. Відкриття сезону 2016» в Одесі. Організатори запрошують взяти участь у конкурсі і розіграти цінні призи від компанії «Рудь», в числі яких є смартфон.

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