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Brody, Brodivs'kyi district

In the north-east of Lviv is a small town of Brody. Through this settlement are highways and rail routes linking Ukraine with Western Europe. The town was first mentioned in chronicles in Brody-letter in 1084 as the city of Vladimir Monomakh, located between Galicia and Volhynia. Later border location Brody gives him the right to free trade in Austria, Poland, the Russian Empire and other states. Such economic benefits influenced the rapid development and urban Brody. You will be interested to visit this town where so harmoniously intertwined different eras and cultures.


Start your exploration of the city you should be a walk in the streets of this ancient Armenian, academician Schurata, Gold, Liberty Square, and Russian. These streets are located in the city center, easy to find on a peculiar type of medieval buildings.


Relaxation History Museum, which is one of the best in the Lviv region. It is located in Freedom Square in a building built in the 17th century. Here in seven exhibition halls, you can learn the history of Fords, starting with the first settlements and ending mid-20th century. Also, you can see a panorama that depicts Brody 17 - 18 centuries.


The street is the Castle Brody Castle, which once served as a defensive structure for the Polish soldiers. Authors octagonal fortress with defense wall and casemates were French engineer Guillaume Levasseur de Beauplan  and Italian architect Andrea del Aqua. Over time, the castle turned into a two-storey palace in the Rococo style, decorated with stucco and columns of the composite order. The main facade of the building is crowned with a balcony. To date within the palace are the archive and exhibition halls  museum.  


Another palace belonged to a dynasty in Brody Tyszkiewicz. In 1909, the Countess Wanda Tyszkiewicz ordered a mansion in the English style, beauty and decoration of which has survived to the present day. Snow-white appearance of the building is decorated with stucco. The central part of its facade slightly forward, flanked symmetrically arranged two wings of the palace. Front of the main entrance is a monument to the deer. The estate itself is in a small park on the reflecting pool. Here you can enjoy not only architecture, but also the natural beauty of this part of the Fords. Tyszkiewicz Palace is at a low street in the old Brody - a suburb of the city.


No less interesting is the monuments of religious buildings - "Big Church" and "The Small Church." "Big Church" or the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary located on the street of Ivan Franko. It is an Orthodox church Brody, which was built around the 16th century. Now Christmas Church - is a stone building, set on its bell chimes. Go inside the temple, inside of which is still preserved paintings by famous artists such as Anatoly Jablonski, Michael and Nicholas Osinchuk Fedyuk. "Little Church" or the  Church of Saint George is on Russkoyulitse. It was built at the beginning of the 17th century in the style of the Galician folk architecture and originally served as a fortification. Now it is a functioning temple.


By Brody can be reached by taxi "Lviv-Brody" from Lviv bus or train to get to the railway station "Brody."

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