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Russian magistrate, Kamenetz-Podolsk

Russian magistrate, Kamenetz-Podolsk

Russian magistrate is located in the Old City of Kamenetz-Podolsk, and a two-storey stone building. In 1658, the Polish king Jan Kazimierz approved law on the creation of the Ukrainian community in this house Russian magistrate, who was in the building for 12 years. Further, the magistrate was disbanded and the building began to hold meetings of the local nobility. Later the house was the theater, then - the seminary. In the middle of the last century, the building was given the status of an architectural monument. Now here is the management of National Historical and Architectural Reserve " Kamenetz ".

Over the sidewalk from the roof of the building hangs weir having the form of a dragon. In the Middle Ages, the house is not Nomerovannaya, they differ in the character at the portals of entrance doors on the main facade. That is why it has an image of a dragon. It was the fact that the building has received the second name "House of the Dragon."

The street on which it is building one of the most beautiful in the city. Here are all steeped in the spirit of the Middle Ages.


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Пещера Атлантида
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