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Tower of Stefan Batory (Furrier)

Tower of Stefan Batory (Furrier)

One of the most important historical and architectural monuments of Ukraine is the Tower of the Stefan Batory Foundation. This unique structure, consisting of five tiers, was of great importance for the defense of the city in the middle of the 16th century. Its founder is considered to be the King of Poland, after whom it was named. In the 18th century the tower added two floors and it has acquired almost the kind in which survived until our time. He walks among the people the story of how in the Old Town hat Peter I blew the wind, and then the tower became known as Wind Gate. Nowadays Furrier tower is not only a monument of national importance, but also recognized by the world community as a landmark urban planning. Kamenetz-Podolsk - a city in which there will be boring for those interested in fortifications. Definitely worth a visit not only the tower Batory, but Kamenetz-Podolsk fortress .

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Якщо вас цікавлять важливі історичні пам’ятки Західної України, то варто навідатись у Кам’янець, Хотин і Бакоту. Саме в цих місцях знаходяться легендарні фортеці та інші споруди, побудовані ще у Середньовіччі.
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