Park named after Ostrovsky, Korosten
парк ім. Островського, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Park named after Ostrovsky is in town Korosten Zhytomyr region. Despite the place of its location - a granite rock in the park is always good and you can relax in comfort. Exactly top of the rock over the centuries was the springboard 8-13 legendary Iskorosten. Today, this place is the layout ...
Monument pancakes in Korosten
парк ім. Островського, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Wonderful and unusual monument pancakes can be found in Korosten Zhytomyr region. It is located almost in the center of the city in a wonderful Ostrovsky park , where every day walking hundreds of local residents and visitors alike. The opening ceremony of the sculpture dedicated to the second ...
Granite ledge "Red Hill"
пров. 4-й Шатрищанський, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
The projection of granite located in Korosten Zhytomyr region. It is also called "Red Hill" or the "Mala Mound." This projection is a large rock that rises 30 meters and has a reddish tint. Scala has a few slopes. Historians say that in 7-12 century in this area was the most important stronghold ...
Monument Tryzub
вул. Табукашвілі, Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Not only famous porcelain and granite Korosten , this city is involved in the creation of a modern emblem of Ukraine. History monument Tryzub Monument to Ukrainian emblem unique in its kind. Designed by sculptor V. Kozyrenko in 2006. Memorial plaque on the granite says "Here, February 12, 1918 ...
Korostensky Regional Museum
вул. Грушевського 6, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Local History Museum is located in Korosten Zhytomyr region. The beginning of its history can be considered mid-20s of the last century. This museum has painstakingly collected, stored, exposed for viewing scientific collections, historic monuments, works of art that have been found and ...
Korostens`kyi China Factory
вул. Б. Хмельницького 4, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Previously, this company is famous all over the country. Porcelain factory in the small town of Korosten was conceived and created by the Polish industrialist TK Przhibylskim in 1904-1909 years. At first it was a factory for the production of white primitive utensils, it then packaged and sent to ...
The object "Rock" local self
вул. 1-го Травня 2а, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Historic military complex "Rock" in Korosten - Memory immortalized in granite. Monument of Military History "The Rock" (Bunker "Stalin") opened not long ago in the city, as the secrecy was lifted from it only in 2005. Object "Rock" was built from 1932 to 1938, directed the work of the ...
Museum roundhouse, Korosten
вул. Деповська 1, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Museum locomotive depot is located in Korosten at the station, whose construction dates back to 1902. The museum is dedicated to the history of the origin and development of railway transport, as well as the Kiev-Kovel direction railway. The museum`s collection of artifacts were collected on ...
Holguin phones
парк імені М. Островського, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
Cathedral of the Nativity (Olginskaya Church)
вул. Ольгинська 2, м. Коростень 11500, Житомирська обл., Україна
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