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State Historical and Cultural Reserve "The Poltava Battle»

State Historical and Cultural Reserve

June 27, 1709, the famous Battle of Poltava, by which changed the destiny of Europe. In 1909, on the historic battle near the Communal grave of Russian soldiers opened a museum. This area was read historical and cultural conservation area with a total area of ​​about eight hectares.

Today, the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "The Poltava Battle" is a well-known scientific and methodological and cultural center for the study of the history of the period of 17-18 centuries. Materials stored in the museum, in nine exhibition halls. Visit this interesting place! You can explore these priceless relics, such as: firearms, edged weapons, paintings, coins, medals, icons, portraits, battle flags, prints, old books, letters, maps, uniforms second half of the 18th century. Close to the nature reserve is a monument to Peter I, and preserved in the museum of his personal belongings.

In addition, the reserve can be accessed with the unique architecture Samson church is rightly recognized as a highly artistic model of temple art. You will also see the mass grave of Russian soldiers. Attracts the attention of the world's only chapel in the style of Ukrainian modernism. It was built at the beginning of the last century on the site of the meeting with Nicolas II of Poltava peasants.

In the north-western part of the reserve is a unique arboretum covers an area of ​​one hundred forty hectares. Its territory is growing at a hundred and seventy species of unique trees and shrubs. Here you can admire the lilac grove, tree nursery and picturesque ponds.

During the Civil War museum ceased to exist and its priceless collections were completely looted. In 1950, the museum re-opened its doors to visitors. Great help in building collections have employees Artillery Museum, the Hermitage, the Moscow Historical Museum, and Museum of Lviv, Kiev and Kharkov. For most of the real reconstruction of past events was set diorama of the Battle of Poltava, made by talented artists studio Nicholas Grekova. Only in the vicinity of Poltava has over twenty monuments and memorials dedicated to this great historical event.

«The Field of Poltava Battle" is the only country that is part of an international organization of military-historical museums UNESCO. Materials collected in its funds, has long gone beyond not only the rich history of the Battle of Poltava, but prolonged the Great Northern War, which was attended by Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Turkey and Russia.

Be sure to visit this reserve, and you will be able to witness the historical relics, which are invaluable for all Slavic people.

The museum is located in the city of Poltava, on the streets Swedish grave, 32. It can be reached by bus number 4 and 5 to stop the "Museum of the Battle of Poltava."

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Путешествие в Полтаву и Гоголевским местам
Полтава – это уютный город, с которым связано немало событий украинской истории. С ним ассоциируется и множество произведений известных украинских писателей, наиболее популярным является Н. В. Гоголь. Тур в этот уголок Украины подарит вам: Поход в духовный центр Полтавской области – Мгарский монастырь. Обзорную экскурсию по Полтаве. Круглая площадь, аллеи героев из Гоголевских повестей, дома-усадьбы Котляревского, поле битвы под Полтавой – и это далеко не все достопримечательности, которые вы сможете увидеть во время полтавской экскурсии. Обзорную экскурсию по Гоголевским местам и в село Диканька. Вы посетите Троицкую и Николаевскую церковь, которые также связаны с писателем. Село Гоголево – место, где выдающийся украинский писатель провел свои ранние годы. Тут же находится музей, посвященный самому Н. В. Гоголю. Источник фото:  panoramio.com, автор: kyo_ua. План тура:
Полтавские «витрибеньки»
День 1 Киев с. Мгар с. Гоголево с. Великие Сорочинцы Полтава
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