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Deribasivska Street

Deribasivska Street

Nothing you describe Odessa and Odessa citizens themselves better than the main street of the city. Deribasivska is considered to be the heart of Odessa. The townspeople are very fond of this street and cherish its special atmosphere. Deribasivska, being very small in width and length of the street, embodies the whole character of Odessa. Here is cozy and quiet. What is she so attractive?

Opens the street (street side of Poland), a monument to Joseph Deribas governor of Odessa. Leisurely stroll on to the famous city garden , which was opened in 1806. Garden with the passage of time becomes more beautiful. There is a singing fountain. And if you are visiting Odessa in the fall or summer, you will be able to see the world`s only fountain spirits. In the evening on the stage of the garden you can hear an orchestra performance. Also in the City Garden has several monuments that must see and capture on camera every self-respecting tourist: Leonid Utyosov, monument embodiment Odessa humor, " The Twelve Chairs "and many others.

Many boutiques and malls attracts tourists splendor and luxury showcases. Also on the street there are hotels and inns. We can not ignore the most beautiful building of the street, and, perhaps, all of Odessa - "Passage". He is known all visitors and tourists. There are beautiful sculptures, beautiful moldings on the walls and, of course, a glass roof.

Cozy cafes and restaurants spread out across the street. They can eat and have a closer look at the Odessa flavor. Familiarity with Deribasovskoy street will not leave anyone indifferent, will bring a lot of pleasant experiences and warm memories about Odessa!

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