Old Tub in Lumshory

In the old tales, heroes sometimes take anti-aging “bathes”, plunging into a cauldron with boiling water. Who would have thought something like that really exists in the Carpathians! However, the water temperature does not exceed 40–45 degrees, but the cauldron is a real one, iron cast! This tub is filled with mineral sulfur water from the spring. Such unusual procedure often referred to as a Carpathian jacuzzi is offered 47 km from Uzhhorod, in the village of Lumshory. After bathing in the tub, people should plunge into the cold water of the river.
Since the 17th century, bathing in the warm mineral water of Lumshory has been used for treatment of rheumatism and sciatica, also to strengthen bones. The old cast iron tub of that time is kept in a museum in Austria. The second tub of 250 litres (for two people) was found by a local resident riverside. He placed it in his yard and revived the procedure. Very soon other people had taken the initiative that promised good returns. And it has paid off: tourists started visiting Lumshory. Now, about two dozen tubs of different size are located in the village. There are those that can fit up to 12 people.
After “boiling” in the tub you can have a lunch – tasting dishes of the Carpathian cuisine. Waterfalls on the Turychka River are another interesting attraction of the region.