Water Tower, Vinnytsia

In 2012, the water tower in the city of Athens celebrated its 100th anniversary. During this time, the building was a witness to the complicated history of the city. Water Tower, designed by GG Artynova in the city center, has long served their original function, but after the Second World War, the building lost its purpose and was converted into living quarters. It was only in the mid-80s of the last century the tower was transferred to Regional Museum, an architectural object. Now here is the Museum of Military Glory and the Memorial to soldiers in Afghanistan.
The tower is 28 meters, it was built of red brick and consists of seven layers. The ground floor of the building was rusticated to create the effect of the pedestal. Top of the tower is decorated with an add-turret with a dome. No less interesting detail, this is a huge clock with a two-meter dial, which publishes each hour jingle.
Water Tower is located in the pedestrian area of the park to them. Kozitskogo and is considered a symbol of the city. Even more popular tower brought a three-dimensional graphical representation of the roaring waterfalls at its foot, hereinafter referred to people as a burst watermain.
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