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City gate, Kamenets

City gate, Kamenets

City gate in the city of Kamenets are old buildings to defend the town. This is a known local attraction that draws tourists.

History of the gate

The main gate or gate St.Michael - an element of the defense system of the Old Town Kamenetz-Podolsk. They were built to prevent entry into the city from outside enemies fortress through Turkish cities.

The first mention about City gate dates from the 11th century. Then appeared fortifications made of stone. In the 12th century they were replaced by new ones. Then their foundation built a tower. In the following centuries to complete construction and modernized.

In the 16th century built a rectangular tower.

In 1746 City gate rebuilt military engineer Xristian Dalke. Then build dungeons and gun gallery. It placed the dust production and therefore the room was renamed the laboratory.

Kamenets gradually lost its strategic importance. So he began to adapt to civilian life. In the 19th Century City Gate served as a smithy, and part was taken for the construction of roads.

In 1950, the city gate, in the architectural monuments Kamenetz-Podolsk fortress were declared property of the people and included under state protection. Then have started work on their conservation. In 1984 he conducted the restoration of casemates.

Architecture gate

City gate located at the exit of the Old City in Turkish cities. They performed the main role of fortifications of the city and blocked the entrance to the town from the fortress and the bridge.

The modern look of the gate were in 1746. The complex looks like two corridors that connected with loopholes through walls. North Building a high tower with a square shape loopholes. On the first floor there are proper gate closed wooden door. Above once was a military guard.

In the late 19th century the wall was demolished for the expansion of the road. Now the defensive wall cut through travel. Today it operates a restaurant "Under the gate."

How to get there

By Kamenetz-Podolsk can be reached in several ways. Railway runs through the town. The station is on Station Street.

You can also take a bus from Khmelnytsky and neighboring regional centers of Rivne and Zhytomyr . One can move around by public transport or taxi. You need to go to the old town, where is this complex.

It is best to use a car. The city keeps track M 20 (Zhytomyr - Khmelnitsky - Chernivtsi). In Kamenetz-Podolsk to travel to Castle Street. Before the Castle Bridge complex is the city gate. You can also go road E85 (M19) (Siret - Chernivtsi - Ternopil - Dubno - Lutsk - Kovel - Corbin) Thick the village, and then turn on the road P24 leading to Kamenetz-Podolsk.

Address: Khmelnytsky region,. Kamenetz-Podolsk, st. Castle 1a.

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