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The coastal highway Zaporozhye

The coastal highway Zaporozhye

Quay highway - road in Zaporozhye , it passes along the shore along the Dnieper River.   Construction was started in 1976, the main purpose for the opening of the road was the need to create a bypass line for transit and freight transport and, consequently, relieve the Lenin Street .

The project becomes grandiose trail along the Dnieper was supposed to be the best way of Zaporozhye, a place where every motorist city on a level road could disperse his car at high speed.   The road runs from the bridge of the Transfiguration to the station Kiev-1 .   Lanes shared lawns.

When laying the embankment was destroyed several boat ramps, but it was decided to postpone reclaimed shore and there throughout the coastal territory.

Quay Railway - one of the most dynamic city roads, which runs along the bank of the Dnieper landscapes. Without exaggeration it can be moved in the list of urban planning Zaporozhye.

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