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Tavpishirkivsky botanical reserve

Tavpishirkivsky botanical reserve

Tavpishirkovsky botanical reserve is located in the south-west mountain range Gorgan. The total area of ​​the reserve is approximately 162 hectares. Creating a botanical reserve dates back to 1974. Reserve now plays an important role in preserving the ecosystem of the Carpathians.

Interesting facts about Tavpishirkovskom reserve

Botanical reserve on a ridge Tavpishirka works to protect endangered species of conifers. The top is covered with spruce forests patchy areas of stone pine. Also here you`ll see listed in the Red Book of birch. This unique territory even on a rocky surface lie the pine and spruce.

On the southern slopes of the mountain, you can see the areas of larch and stone pine. Employees Reserve create the necessary conditions for the revival of endangered plants. Primordial nature reserve Tavpishirkovskogo give you a burst of energy necessary for further travel on Carpathians.

Rich also wildlife reserve. In the thickets of the forest you can see bears, wild boar, grouse, martens and even trot. Walk around the park offers a lot of pleasant experiences and memories. A photo on a background of rare trees will adorn any album.

Getting there

To get started is to get from Ivano-Frankivsk to the village of Bistrica. This can be done on one of the regular buses from the bus station Ivano-Frankivsk. Next best to hire a car from the local people and get to the mountains. You can also walk. Visiting the reserve is desirable, accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Tours and excursions

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