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The ruins of the church of the Holy Trinity, Axes

The ruins of the church of the Holy Trinity, Axes

The ruined temples and castles - in our time, unfortunately, not uncommon. Just think, witnesses of the events they were! The church in the village Axes Ruzhin area is not so good. Time was not merciful to him.

Church of the Holy Trinity: the left

From the church of the Holy Trinity ax lyshys some ruins. Once beautiful temple looks at us sadly empty windows. It is located in the heart of the village. I wonder why locals do not bring it in order?

In Soviet times the church and churches are not used for other purposes. For example, in the Roman Catholic church in Sarni was a food warehouse, and in Lviv garrison church was book depository Scientific Library. Basil Stefanik.

Not spared this fate and Axes. Since the church had a cultural and library. This space divided into two floors. Soviet era has passed, library and cultural house disappeared from the room, leaving himself in ruins.

But not all is bleak in the ax. In the rush of red eye podovhasti hangars. Immediately evident that they were built before. It appears that these buildings belonged to the famous magnate Tereshchenko.

How to get here

If you are traveling by train in this region, then proceed to the city Kozyatyn. From here go train to Ruzhina (enter the station Zarudyntsi). And from the district center to ax some 11 kilometers. To get to the village by bus.

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