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Kaniv, Kanivs'kyi district

Kanev city located on the banks of the Dnieper River in the Cherkasy region. The history of its creation from the 11th century. Then the Russian Prince Yaroslav the Wise decided to found an outpost on the outskirts of Kiev. He chose this hilly area south of the capital. Later fortifications transformed into a city that now has a regional significance.


However Kanev known throughout Ukraine, the great Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko. Here he was buried at Mount Chernecha as bequeathed to their descendants in the poem "Zapovіt." Now you can enjoy those fields, hills and the banks of the Dnieper, which are so clearly visible from Tarasova mountains. In 1925 there was founded the National Museum-Reserve. Walking on it, visit the grave of Taras Shevchenko with the world's tallest monument to the poet. Then check out the Museum of Literature in the same Chernecha mountain, where the exposition of literature and art of the poet and artist. There is also a museum "Tarasova Svetlitsa" architectural memorial and grave of Ivan Yadlovskogo - Sepulchral Taras Shevchenko.


At the foot of the mountain Tarasova in 2007 found 19 sculptures, which are stone and represents the characters of Taras Shevchenko. Now, the area is called Shevchenkovo ​​alley. To the center of the mountain Chernecha Kaneva every hour buses. To get to the reserve, you can also take a taxi or, if one has a great time to walk along the bank of the Dnieper.


Lenin Street, visit the Assumption Cathedral, which was built in 1144 by Prince Vsevolod of Kiev. Temple several times destroyed and rebuilt, so that to determine exactly what style it was originally built, is difficult. In the early 19th century, the shrine was renovated in classic style. Look inside the Cathedral of the Assumption. Here is the book chronicles Kaneva, which was conducted with the founding of the church to this day.


Near the Assumption Cathedral you will find the people's museum of decorative arts. There are about five thousand exhibits. Here is a collection of glass 13-16 centuries, embroidery, decorative painting, ceramics trypilska culture, different iron and wood products the period of Kievan Rus, the Cossacks. In the decorative folk museum you will find almost all kinds of ancient Ukrainian art.


Another interesting monument in Kanev layout is a real value BP 56 armored troops of the NKVD. In 1941, he was involved in the protection of the railways during the crossing, covered the retreating Red Army troops. Armored train consists of three cars, trimmed with iron sheets. This monument is located on Lenin Street.


Kanev also known by hydropower, which was built on the banks of the Dnieper in 1972. Kanev HPP is not as great as the other stations of the Dnieper, but it is the second stage of the cascade hydropower stations in Ukraine.


Kaneva can reach up to the bus station in Kiev by bus or minibus, as well as through the center of the city of Cherkassy. If you decide to travel by car, you'd better go out through the left bank of Kiev Borispol and Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. 

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