Mykolai Hryshko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
вул. Тімірязєвська 1, Київ 01014, Україна
National Botanic Garden. Grishko - is a major historical and biological complex in the city center. Along with the National Museum in Pirogovo Botanical Garden is the most visited attraction in the capital under the open sky.
Today the Botanical Garden at Zvirintse - one of the favorite places of ...
A.V. Fomin Botanical Garden
вул. Симона Петлюри 1, Київ 01032, Україна
Fomin Botanical Garden is located in the historical center of Kiev for the red building University. Shevchenko . In one of the oldest botanical gardens in Ukraine, which occupies an area of only 22 hectares, a huge number of rare plants and extraordinary beauty that makes the people of Kiev to ...
Ботанічний сад Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування, Київ
вул. Героїв Оборони 2а, Київ, Україна
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