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regional centre
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- Shats'kyi
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- Turiis'kyi
- Volodymyr-volyns'kyi
Svityaz Lake
Shatsk town
In the north-west of Ukraine, over two hundred lakes scattered like beads, and each is unique! The most famous is near the town of Shatsk in Volhynia Polissya, a large swampy area, – an incredibly beautiful lake Svityaz, which together with other nearby lakes is a part of Shatsk National Nature ...
Shatskyi National Nature Park
вул. Жовтнева, с. Світязь 44021, Шацький р-н, Волинська область, Україна
Shatskyi Nature Park is located in Volyn region, Ukraine. It was created in 1983 to protect the unique natural complexes around the lakes of Shatsk. The territory of the park covers the western part of the region of Polesie, which includes northern Ukraine, southern Belarus and parts of Poland.
The ...
Park them. Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk
вул. Глушець, м. Луцьк 43000, Волинська обл., Україна
Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Lesya Ukrainka in Lutsk - this is a beautiful place to stay by any company. Landscaped number of avenues, dozens of attractions, gazebos and benches in the shade of tall trees, as well as numerous cafes and entertainment centers - so the park will see ...
Sandy Lake, Millers
с. Мельники 44008, Шацький р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Shatsk Lakes
Шацький р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Ukraine is rightly proud of Shatsky lakes, has a membership of about 30 ponds. In the area between the Pripyat and Western Bug annually come to rest almost as much tourists as to the sea or the mountains.
How did Shatsky Lakes
In Polesie lowlands spread karst depressions formed in the Cretaceous ...
Old Lutsk History and Culture Reserve
вул. Драгоманова 23, м. Луцьк 43000, Волинська обл., Україна
In the heart of the city of Lutsk located its historic heart - And Storico Cultural Reserve "Old Lutsk". This name was reserve in 1985 due to the presence in a large number of monuments architecture of the Middle Ages.
The most important attraction of the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Old ...
Kivertsovsky National Park Tsumanskaya Forest
Ківерці 45200, Ківерцівський район, Волинська область, Україна
Kivertsovsky National Park "Tsumanskaya Forest" - green pearl of Ukraine. It was founded by the ruler of Galicia and Volhynia Daniel King. In the forests of the park once hunted the most illustrious of the Radziwill family.
"Tsumanskaya Forest" is of great biological value. In local forests are ...
Парк імені Данила Галицького, Жидичин
вул. Ковельська, Жидичин 45240, Україна
У 2017 році за ініціативи Жидичинського монастиря, у тісній співпраці з місцевою владою, було відкрито парк Данила Галицького. Нині тут можна відвідати оглядовий майданчик, барельєф Данила Галицького, романтичну альтанку для освідчення в коханні. Парк є першою чергою майбутньої неймовірно красивої ...
Lake Peremut, Shack
Шацький р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Lake Lyutsymyr, Shack
Шацький р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
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