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Manor Lipinski, Zaturtsy
с. Затурці 45523, Локачинський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Manor Lipinski remarkable, first of all, that it is the only museum in Ukraine, which is illuminated by the life and public activity of historians and political scientists Vyacheslav Lipinski. In this house, at the time he spent his childhood and youth.
The history of the estate Lipinski
The estate ...
Велика дзвіниця Жидичинського монастиря, Жидичин
вул. Ковельська, Жидичин 45240, Україна
На захід від Свято-Миколаївського храму розміщується Велика дзвіниця монастиря, пам’ятка архітектури національного значення. Вона разом із Миколаївським храмом та Палацом митрополита формують єдиний архітектурний ансамбль Жидичинського монастиря, зведений у 1723 році. Історично дана споруда ...
House Falchevskogo (Puzin), Lutsk
вул. Кафедральна 23, Луцьк, Україна
Trinity Church, Zaturtsy
с. Затурці 45523, Локачинський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Trinity Church in Zaturtsah - a historic landmark and an important architectural monument, built in 1642. The current condition of the building is assessed as good. Trinity Church was restored in the late 20th century. The history of the church of the Holy Trinity History of the church in ...
Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God, New Zagorov
с. Новий Загорів 45535, Локачинський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin can be called the pearl of the New Zagorov. The old church of the Renaissance survived more than 350 years, remaining a symbol of beauty and an example of architectural art. The history of the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin The first settlements ...
Church of the Purification, Zalesoche
Залісоче 45263, Ківерцівський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Zalesoche Sretenskaya church Volyn region has honorary status of an architectural monument of national importance. It was built in the second half of the 18th century and preserved to this day in perfect condition.
History of Candlemas Church in Zalesoche
Named in honor of the Presentation of the ...
Peter I House in Lutsk
вул. Пушкіна 2, Луцьк 43000, Україна
Reign of Peter I had considerable influence on the development of Ukraine. Much has been done to establish trade relations with European countries, for the development of science and culture. In 1709, Peter I, who was heading a diplomatic visit to Warsaw, passing visited Lutsk. The house where he ...
Lutsk Gate Olyka
с. Олика 45263, Волинська область, Україна
Lutsk Gate is one of the oldest buildings in Ukraine and entered in the register of monuments Olyka. Entrance gates were erected in the 17th century. They were part of a powerful set of urban fortifications. Strengthening consisted of several rows of earthen ramparts, walls and two gates. ...
Temple of Simeon, Lyubohini
с. Любохини 44422, Старовижівський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
Murowana pillar
вул. Першотравнева, м. Берестечко 45765, Волинська обл., Україна
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