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Church of Our Lady (Vinnitsa)

Church of Our Lady (Vinnitsa)

Not far from the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in the winery is another religious building - the church of the Virgin Mary. His elder oversaw the construction of the city Ludwik Kalinowski. In 1746, when construction was completed, the church became one of the highest buildings in the city.

Like most religious institutions, Church of the Virgin Mary was expecting a bitter fate. The presence of followers of the Roman Catholic Church in the Russian Empire was not welcome, and since 1888, the cathedral officially ceased to be places of worship. His premise imperial decree was passed barracks. It is interesting that even in these times, the church has continued to act as a parish Catholic Church.

With the advent of councils temple was finally closed. After the Second World War, the church of the Virgin Mary, like most churches, became a lecturer. Regularly held here atheist meeting.

In 1991, the church again became cult construction of the Roman Catholic Church. The building was reconstructed, and icons here back interior design, characteristic of the temple. Took its place and the sculpture of the Virgin Mary over the main entrance.

Vinnitsa church is open daily for people of any religion. Ascetic interior decoration and old icons will be interesting adherents of Catholicism.

The highlight of this building is the body, once renovated organmeysterom Jerzy Doll. Organ concerts are held in the church every week.

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Феерическое шоу фонтанов в Виннице
Самый большой плавучий фонтан в Украине, и даже самый большой в Европе, приглашает любого желающего полюбоваться им, посетив Винницу! В Виннице вас также ожидают и другие не менее интересные достопримечательности. Берите с собой друзей или семью и отправляйтесь в тур. Здесь вас ждет: выставка, посвященная Второй Мирорвой войне, среди экспонатов       которой можно найти различную военную технику и даже снаряды того времени; бункеры и противопожарный бассейн в Ставке Гитлера, который называется Вервольф; многообразие коллекций в усадьбе ученого Н.И Пирогова, которая является музеем; экскурсия по Виннице, в которую входит осмотр многих исторических достопримечательностей; феерическое шоу плавучего фонтана, которое с каждым годом набирает все большую популярность как среди украинцев, так и среди иностранных туристов.
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