Poltava Art Museum

Poltava Art Museum was founded April 27, 1919. The main foundation of the exposition was the private collection of works by the artist-collector N. Yaroshenko.
When you open the gallery consisted of 100 paintings and more than 20 albums with working sketches of the author. During the first years, the museum collection has increased to several hundred precious paintings of famous artists. Among them were brilliant Rubens, Tiepolo, Ostade, Vigee-Lebrun. After World War II exhibit significantly poorer and was looted by the local population as well as the German invaders. The museum is located in a separate building, restored in 1951. Exposure are particularly chronology by category: European painting, sculpture, decorative plastic, porcelain.
Particular attention should be paid to the painting "Still Life" K. Peters (1612) and "Night battle with the Turks, Crusaders" Delacroix (1848). These unique works were stolen in 1997 and returned to the museum only six months. Tried to sell the painting in a private collection in France.
Just a gallery of more than 4 thousand works on display and in storage 9000. It will also be interesting to see an exhibition of literary-memorial museum Korolenko , located nearby.