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Cathedral of Peter and Paul

Cathedral of Peter and Paul

Peter and Paul Church is located in the town of Kamenetz-Podolsk . This current church, which is the main Cathedral of the city. It is interesting that the minaret is installed and sculpture of the Virgin. This famous monument Ukraine.

church History

The temple was built in the 15th century. Construction lasted from 1428 to 1430 years. While it was the center of the diocese. The building was wooden. At the turn of 15-16 centuries spent rebuilding the temple in stone. It lasted from 1502 to 1517 years.

In 1672 Kamenets captured by Turkish troops. During their rule was built minaret. The church was constructed main city mosque.

At the time the Polish government was the Church Catholic church. Then it was carried out the reconstruction. Polish authorities have not destroyed the minaret and used it to the pedestal of the statue of the Virgin, which was established in 1756 rotsi.U 1781 at the central entrance to the cathedral arch built to commemorate the visit of King of Poland Stanislaw August.

In 1935, in the church of St. Peter and Paul opened a museum of atheism. But the Second World War are conducted worship.

Since 1978, the temple used as organ hall. In 1991 there was a re-consecration of the church. In 1993, at the side of the bell tower were installed the new bells.

Architecture church

The church was built in several styles: renaissance, baroque, neo-gothic. Walls of stone.

Peter and Paul Church include:

  • Cathedral,
  • three-tiered bell tower 1648
  • arch 1781,
  • tower-minaret
  • garden near the cathedral.

Bell Tower and Arc de Triomphe stone. They are decorated with architectural lantern. The minaret was built by Turkish builders of stone. It installed a sculpture of the Virgin. In the cathedral remains a body which was brought from Austria and installed in the church in 1857.

How to get there

By Kamenetz-Podolsk can be reached in several ways. Here is the railway. The station is on Station Street. Also, the city busses from Khmelnytsky , Rivne and Zhytomyr .

In Kamenetz-Podolsk can use public transport or taxi. You need to go to the Old City, to the area of ​​the Polish market.

Best to go by car. This route is 20 m (Zhytomyr - Khmelnitsky - Chernivtsi). The city should go on the street. Castle, move the bridge through the river canyon, the area of ​​the Old City - the square Polish rynok.Takozh can go road E85 (M19) (Siret - Chernivtsi - Ternopil - Dubno - Lutsk - Kovel - Corbin) Thick the village, then turn to P24 leading to Kamenetz-Podolsk.

Address Cathedral of Peter and Paul, Khmelnytsky region, c. Kamenets, Old Town Street. Tatar, 20.

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Велопоход «Подолье и Буковина» – хорошая возможность попробовать свои силы в велотуризме (даже если вы новичок!), или восстановиться после перерыва в приключениях. Тут их, кстати, будет предостаточно! Каменец-Подольский и Черновцы – два красивейших города-легенды Центральной и Западной Украины. Между ними расположилась славная Хотинская крепость. Это живое историческое свидетельство казацкой славы и украинского патриотизма. Каменец порадует своим каменным величием и сакральной роскошью, Хотин – боевым мужеством, а Черновцы – уютом и изысканностью «маленькой Европы». На велосипеде вы побываете в настоящих украинско-молдавских селах, встретите рассвет на Днестре и полюбуетесь пейзажами на реке Прут. Баланс активного отдыха, красоты и новых открытий будет соблюден так, что сюда захочется возвращаться еще не раз!
Только чудеса... и ничего больше
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