Seliskaya creamery

The history of the emergence of cheese thing of the past. Mankind is using this product for about 10 thousand years, and during that time the cheese has become one of the most popular and favorite foods. There are numerous varieties of cheese that are distinct taste and aroma, have a different shape and texture. The process of cheese ripening long - from one month to several years. If you want to see the whole process of making cheese, then you should visit a cheese factory in the private village of Lower Selyshche that in Transcarpathia Khust district.
Perhaps, this is perhaps the only place in the Ukraine, where established Swiss cheese production technology without the use of preservatives and flavorings. Milk procured only from local residents, are monitored daily, which guarantees the purity of the product and high quality. Owner dairies, Peter Prigara, was trained in Switzerland . Skills and experience helped to achieve excellent results - cheese dairies Seliskoy became known throughout Ukraine.
There are three varieties of cheese are made: two semi - "Selisky" and "Narcissus Carpathians", and one soft cheese - "Hust". For visitors are guided tours where you will tell all about the production process with a visit to the cellars where the cheese matures. You can also taste the cheeses combined with fine wine. There you can buy your favorite cheese.
Not so far from the Lower Selishchev is a unique place - Narcissus Valley , which affects flowering fragrant flowers.