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Cheese Factory OSG Baranov Iza

Cheese Factory OSG Baranov Iza

In Transcarpathia there are many interesting places where you can watch the how to create a particular product and its taste. For example, it will be very interesting to visit one of the local dairies.

Private dairy sheep farm on the basis of OSG "Baranovo" is perfect for exploring the production of cheese. During tours of the dairy and you will be describe in detail all the stages of cheese making. This is a very exciting spectacle, especially in a "manufactory" form. All steps are performed only in a few rooms. At the dairy the newest equipment. In the manufacture of cheese using only natural products are used component of rennet from the stomach of a young calf.

The assortment of cheeses is very diverse. Each visitor will be able to choose the cheese to your taste. It made cheese, several kinds of cheese and soft cheeses made from sheep`s and cow`s milk. After a sightseeing tour awaits cheese tasting. For cheeses served a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. All those wishing to have the opportunity to purchase a piece of cheese liked. You can also stroll through the farm and meet with its inhabitants - the sheep.

You will not regret visiting a cheese factory. It will be very exciting gastronomic adventure.

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