The trail Dovbush, Yaremche

In the Ukrainian Carpathians there are many objects, named in honor of the leader of opryshkov (rebels) Oleksa Dovbush: Dovbush Rocks, Stone Dovbusha Cave Dovbush . Near the Carpathian town Yaremche is an interesting tourist attraction - "The trail Dovbush".
Facts about the "Path of Dovbush"
If you are looking for is not too long, but very interesting route - "The trail Dovbush" near Yaremche fit perfectly. Located it is within the Carpathian National Nature Park .
Route starts in the tract Dribka, rises to the rocks, and then trail descends, forming a ring. Completely take the route can be approximately 4 hours. Throughout the trail you will come across on the eye themed sculpture master Darius Grabar. Moreover, in addition to stone sculptures, the route cost information stands.
Although the "trail Dovbush" forms a ring, it is not necessary to descend to the starting point. You can end your walk at the waterfall Probiy or souvenir market in Yaremche . Do not worry, you do not get lost, because the tourists have worn them a good track.
Particular attention is attracted to his shrouded in legends Stone of Dovbush . This stone is not far from the highway.
Going up the path, you will go to the local Dovbush Rocks (not to be confused with the Dovbush Rocks , which near the village Bubnyshche ). This is where the hidden forces of Oleksa Dovbush from Polish units. In the rocks there are several viewing platforms, which offer views of the Carpathian Mountains, which is simply breathtaking! Well, if you want to continue to walk and see more - you can climb the mountain Makovytsya (the path to it will show the pointer, which is not far from the rocks).
However, the most interesting place in the "Path of Dovbush" are caves, one of which, according to legend, is hidden chest of gold Dovbush. The cave entrance can be seen only once a year - on the night of Midsummer. However, you possess it still will not be able to: enchanted treasure, and the one who will make treasure out of the cave, to stone forever, once gold sparkle in the moonlight.
How to get there
Walking through the "Dovbush Path", you will get positive emotions and you will hear a lot of information about the activities of Hutsul Robin Hood, Oleksa Dovbush. The route starts in Yaremche on Liberty Street (the road is a large wooden sign).
Access to the artistic and educational complex for an extra charge.
Tours and excursions