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Rakhiv, Rakhivs'kyi district

Rachel - most high-altitude city in Ukraine. On all sides surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. From north Gorgan coming from the west - Svydovets from the northeast - Montenegrin Mountains and the south - Rakhovsky mountains.

Administrative information

  • Rachel is a district center in the Transcarpathian region. Located at an altitude of 430 meters above sea level.
  • The population in 2011 was 15,140 people.
  • Postal code: 90600.
  • Phone code: 03132.
  • Number of city administration: 2-58-37.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: * Y *.

Origin city name

On passing the name Rakhiv there are several legends.

One of them is related to opryshky who figured in the city of gold taken from the rich and distributing it to poor families.
In another version, the area stopped and told the merchants profit.

Under the third option, the name comes from the name Pax. He was the owner of one of the estates in the city.

City history

Rakhiv is considered the founding date of 1447, but the first written mention dates from the year 910. The first inhabitants of the settlement were hutsuly, engaged in hunting, sheep, rybatstvom, bees.

In the 13th century in Transcarpathia retreated into Hungary because Hungarian population dominated by feudal lords.

In times of domination in these lands of Austria-Hungary`s population supplemented by German colonists. During this period, built railways and to Rakhov Yasin, who began work in August 1895. A year later, the city acquires the status of the district center and is designed Marmoroskoho comitat. In the early 20th century was created and adopted the emblem Rakhov. The symbol of print became head of a deer, turned into heraldic side.

In 1918, residents of the town began the struggle for liberation and accession to the territory of the Ukrainian people. But next year, Rachel was occupied by Romanian troops. In 1920 the city became part of Czechoslovakia.

In 1945, the city of Rahim, along with all Transcarpathia, was occupied by the Red Army and became part of the USSR.

Attractions Rakhov

Attractions in Rakhiv not much. In the central part of the city you can visit architectural monuments:

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: Carlos Duclos.

Be sure to visit

The city is rich in a great cultural heritage. It is worth mentioning Museum Rakhov:

1. Museum of Hutsul carvings Yuri Pavlovich. Here is a collection of master works, including carved plates, bartki, candlesticks and other unique products.

2. Museum of History and Ecology mountains Ukrainian Carpathians. Rich exposition demonstrates and tells the story of the Carpathian Mountains.

3. Rahove should definitely visit the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, enjoy the beautiful picturesque scenery, mountain air, meet Hutsul culture, hear trembita and go skiing in the winter.

Photo Source: thekievtimes.ua, by Vitaliy Bashkatov.

4. Not far from town is geographical center of Europe.

Photo Source: rakhivcrb.blogspot.com.

City Transportation

Rachel has bad developed tourist infrastructure and public transportation. Regularly run:

  • Suburban trains to Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia;
  • Two passenger trains from the city, which runs daily;
  • train to Kyiv "Huzulschyna."

There is also a convenient road connections to suburban towns, Vorokhta, with regional Ivano-Frankivsk and Mukachevo.

Geographically Rahim small.Optionally, you can get around town on foot.

Accommodation Rahove

The town offers a good selection of hotels and estates:

1. The hotel "Europe" is designed for 44 seats, provides: meals at the restaurant, ski rental, parking, pool, sauna, gym. Situated on Peace Street, 42.

2. Hotel "Olenka" with 40 seats, provides: food restaurant, order food to your room. Situated on Peace Street, 48.

3. The farmstead "Thomas" in 12 places, including services: meals on request. Open all year. Located on the street Shevchenko 8.

4. The farmstead "Butash" to 8 people, services: ecological food products, hot water, near the mineral springs. Works in the summer. Located on the street Plesha, along with base "Synohir`ya."

5. The farmstead "Slyusarchuk» 6 people, including services: meals on request, have their own fruit and wine, hot and cold water, cable TV. Located close to the center.

6. The farmstead "Carpathians", designed for 10 seats, including services: meals in the cafe, cable TV, hot and cold water, excursions. Open all year. Located in the Carpathian Street, 2nd.

7. Manor "Tisa" - two cottages for 4 persons. Services: cold and hot water, cable TV, internet, modern furniture and appliances, transfers, parking, tours by appointment. Located half a kilometer from the center. Contact Number: +38 (093) 760-04-01.

8. Manor "Rakhiv region" - a two-storey cottage for 8 persons. Services: cold and hot water, cable TV, internet, modern furniture and appliances, transfers, parking. Tours, hiking, horseback riding, ATV - on request. Located approximately one kilometer from the center. Contact Number: +38 (093) 815-85-55.

When to visit city

Rahim open and welcoming guests at any time. The recommended season to visit - all year round for ski holidays - December through March. In spring, summer and fall you can pick berries, mushrooms and wander mountain paths.

Deadlines Rakhov

  • Rahim celebrates City Day on September 29.
  • Especially fantastic atmosphere here in the winter - on New Year and Christmas holidays.
  • In early September, noted in one of the most colorful festivals of Transcarpathia - Festival cheese.

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Tours and excursions Rakhiv

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Дата туру: 18.06.2016.
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