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National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos
м. Севастополь, вул. Кожанова, 5
The city Chersonesus Taurica was founded more than two and a half thousand years ago in the southwest of the Crimea Peninsula. This ancient city-state was founded by Greek colonists. The name of the city wasn’t a random choice. "Chersonesus" means peninsula in Greek, as the city was situated on the ...
База відпочинку Дружба, Орлівка
вул.Орлівка 1, с. Орлівка 72143, Приморський р-н, Запорізька обл, Україна
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База відпочинку «Дружба» розташована на узбережжі Азовського моря, в селі Орлівка, на півдні Запорізької області. Ця місцевість екологічно чиста і віддалена від великих міст та портів. База знаходиться на першій лінії. Все це, а також непогана інфраструктура сприяють затишному комфортному ...
Hostel Smile, Sevastopol
вул. Велика Морська 39, Севастополь, Крим
Do you love to travel? Many people love to travel, but find it too expensive hobby. The main item of expenditure accounted for lodging. But not so long ago in our country began to appear Budget hotels options. One such hotel is open and in Sevastopol. Hostel "Smile" - the youngest hotel of its ...
Fort "North Balaklava"
урочище Кефало-Врісі, Балаклавський р-н, Крим
Fort "Northern Balaklava" is located in the tract mullet Vries Balaklava district on the slopes of the mountain of the same name. Its height above sea level reaches 212 meters, due to the appointment of this historic building.
The history of the fort "North Balaclava"
Fort "Northern Balaklava" was ...
Sunken Ships Monument
Приморський бульвар, м. Севастополь, Крим
Sevastopol - Hero City and the town of Fame Russian fleet repeatedly to sacrifice themselves for the sake of protecting the city. Sunken Ships Monument is one of the most interesting sights of the city.
Back in 1854 the position of Russian troops in the Crimean War was extremely difficult and there ...
Military-Historical Complex "Michael`s battery"
вул. Громова 35, м. Севастополь, Севастопольський р-н, Крим
Valley of Death, Sevastopol
м. Севастополь 99000, Крим
This is one of the 10 most mysterious places in Ukraine. Valley of the shadow of death, and (or Valley of Death). It is situated not far from Sevastopol . And this area - not for the faint of heart. Once, in the middle of the 19th century, on this earth during the Crimean War were the most severe ...
Chapel of St. George
вул. Генерала Мельника, Сапун-гора, м. Севастополь, Крим
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St. Vladimir's Cathedral
ул. Суворова, 3, г. Севастополь, Украина
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St. Vladimir`s Cathedral is one of the most important historical and religious monuments of Sevastopol. Initially, the construction of the cathedral was planned in Kherson, but at the request of Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Peter Lazarev temple was built in the center of Sevastopol. ...
The Skelia Menhirs
с. Родниківське, Сімферопольський р-н, АР Крим
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