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Odesa Western and Oriental Art Museum
вул. Пушкінська 9, Одеса 65026, Україна
Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art, founded in 1923, is truly one of the best and most famous museums in Ukraine. Such a status he deserved due to several facts. Firstly, the museum is located in the palace of the merchant Abaza, designed in the middle of the 19th century by the architect ...
Odesa Art Museum
вул. Софіївська 5а, Одеса 65082, Україна
In the spacious mansion of the first half of the 19th century located Odessa Art Museum - OXM briefly. The building was erected in the traditions of Russian classicism. Romantic era also embodied: under the central part of the body there is a man-made grotto with artificial waterfall. From it are ...
Odessa Museum of the Navy
Приморський бульвар, Одеса 65000, Україна
Odessa - the sea capital of Ukraine. Here it is one of the largest seaports . And, of course, in a city with a long maritime history is a museum of the Navy.
From the history of the Museum of the Navy
Odessa Navy Museum was opened in 1965. The main part of the exhibition is located in a historic ...
Будинок рибалки (Краєзнавчий музей), Вилкове
вул. Леніна 11, м Вилкове, Кілійський р-н, Одеська обл., Україна
Будинок рибалки та історико-краєзнавчий музей у ньому – одне з місць, які неодмінно варто відвідати туристам у Вилковому на Одещині. Створив його з власної ініціативи тутешній мешканець – краєзнавець Олександр Шаронов, тому музей вважають авторським. А оскільки пан Олександр (засновник закладу, ...
Chocolate Museum, Odessa
вул. Дерибасівська 14, Одеса 65000, Україна
Chocolate Museum recently opened in Odessa. Organizers are inviting welcome to look at works of art of chocolate and listen to the history of and enjoy the taste of real chocolate.
The museum exposition chocolate
Chocolate Museum in Odessa was founded December 16, 2011. During the entire existence ...
Museum of Modern Art in Odessa
вул. Белінського 5, м. Одеса 65014, Україна
Museum of Modern Art in Odessa was founded in 2008. Young and more experienced artists of the city were able to easily demonstrate to the world their best work, giving to the public all the new and interesting. The basis of the first collection of works by artists of the society formed a "second ...
Odessa Museum of Alexander Pushkin
вул. Пушкінська 13, м. Одеса 65000, Україна
One of the first in Odessa in the 20s of the 19th century opened the hotel «Hotel du Nord», owned by a merchant Charles Sukkar. In July 1823 one of the issues settled by none other than the great poet Alexander Pushkin, who lived here for a month. Afterwards the hotel turned into a memorial museum ...
Secrets of Underground Odesa Museum
пров. 2-й Розумовський 3, м. Одеса 65000, Україна
"Secrets of the underground Odessa" - one of the most popular museums in the modern city. It was founded in the underground labyrinths and former catacombs, which were formed within a few hundred years. Some of them have been formed by natural means (karst and limestone caves), a part - by getting ...
Museum of Interesting Science in Odesa
вул. Шевченка 4е, м. Одеса 65000, Україна
Museum of interesting science in Odessa is a place of the most fascinating and unusual discoveries of the scientific world. Here you can clearly observe the wonders of modern technology, which works by scientific discoveries, such a complex and often incomprehensible to the average person. ...
Underground Museum of Partisan Glory
с. Нерубайське 67661, Біляївський р-н, Одеська обл., Україна
In 1969 Nerubayske catacombs located in the Odessa region, was created a unique Museum of Partisan Glory.
During the Great Patriotic War in the catacombs were stationed several large guerrilla units of the southern region. The most famous of them was a detachment, commanded by Vladimir Molodtcov ...
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