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Khotyn Fortress
Khotyn, Ukraine
Fierce wars, great uprisings, glorious victories and terrible defeats have left marked impressions in the history of an ancient town Khotyn, which was engaged in violent battles for possession of a powerful fortress. To get to know the history of ancient times, to see places where fierce battles ...
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (the former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia Metropolitans)
2, Kotsyubyns’kogo Street, 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine
In the very centre of Bukovyna a beautiful city Chernivtsi is located. Refined architecture of Austro-Hungarian times and colourful Ukrainian traditions are in a harmonious blend there. But first of all the city is famous due to its architectural gem – the former Residence of Bukovyna and Dalmatia ...
The Bukovyna Falls Landscape Reserve
Roztoky, T2601, Ukraine
Colourful chain of falls up to two kilometres long stretches along the river Smugariv in Bukovyna region, in the Carpathian Mountains. It is a place where you can observe the waters of the Smugariv Falls sometimes slowly flowing through the quaint stone-forest slopes, and sometimes rapidly ...
Chernivtsi City Hall
площа Центральна 1, м. Чернівці, Україна
Botanical Garden of Chernivtsi National University
вул. Федьковича 11, Чернівці 58000, Україна
To visit the tropics, not necessarily to go to Africa - visit Botanical Garden Chernivtsi natsuniversiteta . There is a greenhouse, where it grows 920 species of tropical plants.
Botanical Garden in Chernivtsi - one of the oldest in Ukraine - is reserved object. It was built during the ...
Jesuit Сhurch in Chernivtsi
вул. Бахрушина 2, Чернівці 58000, Україна
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Roman Catholic Church in Chernivtsi - a wonderful sample Bukovynian Gothic Revival. High strict building with sharp spikes attracts tourists.
Church and monastery complex was built in the late 19th century. His erection missionaries petitioned the Society of Jesus - the heirs of the Jesuits. The ...
The Chernivtsi Music and Drama Theatre named after Ol'ha Kobylians'ka
пл. Театральна 1, Чернівці 58000, Україна
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Theatre Square in Chernivtsi - a popular place for walking as locals and tourists alike. To lead the square granite slopes. On the square is the Avenue of Stars, where among bridge immortalized the names of celebrities Bukovina.
Undoubtedly, the main square in the ensemble is Chernivtsi Theater ...
Cathedral Square, Chernivtsi
пл. Соборна, Чернівці, Україна
Teatralna Square in Chernivtsi
пл. Театральна, м. Чернівці, Україна
One of the favorite places of the residents and guests of Chernivtsi, of course, is the Theatre Square. The luxurious buildings, built in the last century, are striking in their grandeur and, at the same time, refinement.
Home jewel in this ensemble, of course, theater. Built in the early last ...
Emil Racovita Cave
с. Подвірне 60363, Новоселицький район, Чернівецька обл., Україна
Not been fully investigated mysterious cave "Cinderella" is partly in Bukovina, in part - in Moldova . Log in with the Ukrainian side - near the village Podvirnoe.
The cave opened in 1977, its length is more than 90 moves km. Many sites are flooded with water. Among gypsum caves "Cinderella" takes ...
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